This is where anyone can purchase an option on a famous sculptor’s channel with the understanding it is a “nonregular channel”. All “famous sculptor’s” channels are classified as nonregular channels.
You purchase an option on a nonregular channel with the expectation you will sell it at a higher price either to a new option holder or to the person for whom the channel is named.
You might consider “channels” as akin to what happened when the world wide web first blossomed. Forward thinkers bought domain names they speculated would one day become popular.
These speculators profited when buyers came calling. Perhaps the cars.com domain is the best example. It sold for $827 million.
When you purchase an option on a nonregular channel you will have an opportunity to sell your option at a higher price than you are paying for the option as soon as your transaction is completed.
Additionally, you agree to sell the channel to the person for whom the channel is named at the “Buy Now Price” or at a negotiated price.
Thank you and we wish you the best in profiting from reselling your nonregular channel option.
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